I’d appreciate a recommendation of a free music player for linux that ideally supports all the features of the DAC. I flashed the Tone 2 using the DFU tool and the firmware from 22. Linux: DeaDBeeF and VLC, both use ALSA directly to communicate with the DAC (Tone2 Pro, USB Audio, Direct hardware device without any conversions) Windows 10: Foobar2000 (+ASIO plugin), Tone 2 driver, ASIO mode active Setup: PC -> USB 2.0 -> Tone 2 (+ separate power supply) -> RCA -> Amplifier -> Speakers

Does anybody know what is happening here? According to the lights under the control knob, sometimes the Tone 2 does the MQA (studio) decoding, sometimes it shows 44.1 khz PCM mode. mqa.flac files such that the Tone 2 does the MQA decoding.

Unfortunately I have a problem with reliably playing. Thanks for producing such a masterpiece and offering it for an affordable price. I have been using the Khadas Tone 2 for almost 1 month now and I am totally in love with this device.