Compete with friends, family and other users. Only registered members are a part of the competition to reach the top position on the world ranking. Sign up with us and become one of many registered bab.la users. After 10 different bab.la users have approved the translation it is stored as a permanent translation. The translation will still show up in related searches of the Hindi-English dictionary, but will be marked as unverified. Since new Hindi words added by users sometimes need to be corrected they are treated separately. We therefore gladly welcome more than one similar translation in the Hindi-English dictionary. The Hindi to English translation for a specific scientific term may be different depending on which area it is used in or what specialist vocabulary the Hindi word belongs to. Hindi and English are developing all the time and as a result there are also new Hindi-English translations. The user-contributions to the dictionary help develop the quality and keep the content up to date with the latest Hindi to English translations. Join the bab.la community and help us as we, together, create the best Hindi-English dictionary on the Internet.