Throughout the series, Karolina and Xavin would go through many difficulties and they would struggle to understand their relationship, both because of the nature of being a teenager and because of the extraordinary situation they’re in. So what would happen if we could shift forms? For Skrulls like Xavin, that isn’t just a possibility, it’s natural, and that ability hasn’t shaped merely their war culture but also their sexual culture, resulting in a planet of shifting forms and sexualities, where it isn’t just impractical to force sexual identity into tidy little black and white boxes, it’s impossible. Vaughan effectively states with this relationship and storyline that we as humans can’t do anything about physical attraction, we have no control over it and it does not cooperate with what might be best for our minds or our situations. But Vaughan’s intention is far more nuanced. On the surface this may seem gimmicky, as though the arranged marriage and Karolina’s sexuality were only drafted as plot devices meant to coincide. Falling in love with a mutant boy doesn’t fit into anyone’s idea of those duties, but through all their series, the love between these two has only grown, culminating in a romantic kiss and wedding proposal in the final issue of Avengers: Children’s Crusade. He only got the name because he was strong and green, but no gamma radiation was involved: he’s half-Skrull, and half-Kree, so he has a legacy to fulfill the legend of Captain Marvel on one side, and the expectations of Super-Skrull warriors on the other. And while Wiccan was sort of predictably the gay inheritor of his mother’s witchiness (while brother Speed was rebellious and coded as straight, taking after Uncle Quicksilver more than mom), even if his spells were laughably simplistic (basically just self-help affirmations he had to stammer out, lacking his mother’s style), Hulkling’s family dynamic made being gay more of an issue. While the Young Avengers were formed out of adversity to fill the gap left by Disassembled, Billy/Teddy were a sub-group within the underground team, there for each other in a way that was only an intensification (as only teenage emotions can do) of the loyalty felt by the whole team. What was cool about these two is that they were together from the start.